There is only one region, the region of love

There is only one language, the language of the heart - sia baba

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is

"The Greatest Accomplishment"

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our Organization

Our organization works to preserve the uniqueness of individuals and cultures through education, the arts, health promotion and financial intelligence to increase personal and global awareness and realizing their full potential.

We are all loved. On this planet, we are all connected in the delicate web of life and diversity is part of what makes the world alive with beauty.

We invite you to open your heart and assist us in our work, and to take the opportunity to experience the oneness we all share. We all have the desire to make a difference. When we make a positive difference in someone’s life, we can then experience a positive difference in our own. That positive difference comes from being authentically who we are and living to our fullest potential in every moment and with every choice we make. Our organization offers you the chance to positively impact other’s lives and guide them in reaching their full potential.

The needs of humans are fairly basic, food, clothing, shelter and community. But the soul and cultures of individuals must also be nurtured and cared for, protecting a space for it's ongoing development and growth. We have a need to feel joy, fulfillment, love and purpose, and a connection to something larger than ourselves. One of the most profound ways we can fill those needs is by helping those less fortunate than ourselves. By addressing even the smallest of their needs and responding to it with love, compassion and openness, we will feel love and openness within ourselves. When you can give support to allow the soul of another to be seen and expressed, your own heart can not avoid being opened and touched in the process.

Our purpose is to step outside ourselves and realize that we are all unique and we're all connected. We can feel love for someone we have never met and we can impact multiple lives in a single act of kindness and generosity. When you give unselfishly, you demonstrate love in its purest form and it will come back to you. The love and compassion we put into Heart of Everything will circulate back through all of us in ways we can't begin to imagine!

Heart of Everything Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization whose mission is to preserve the uniqueness of individuals and cultures, promote diversity by creating pathways through education, the arts and financial training, and to heighten personal and global awareness by stimulating their full potential.

Heart of Everything will not sell or use your personal information for any other purpose other than receiving your contribution.

Heart of Everything Foundation
745 N Gilbert Rd. Ste 124, PMB 288
Gilbert, AZ 85234

The Founder

Karla Lamley, MSN RN,FNPC, CCht
Heart-centered Transformational
Consultation, Healing and Teaching

Having worked in the healing and medical profession for over 20 years, I've had the opportunity to see human beings at their best and at their worst. I have witnessed how fragile life can be and the profound resilience of the human spirit. I've studied a number of spiritual faiths with the desire to understand more deeply our own divinity and potential as spiritual human beings.

While I have had many profound spiritual experiences and awareness in my life, it was not until I visited two small towns in Central America in 2007, that ”all is one" and the "joy of selfless service" became a tangible understanding for me. Now I truly recognize that we are all one and connected to all of life.

The extent of love and connection that I experienced while visiting Central America, graced me with the knowledge of genuinely being a part of everything and everyone.

Even with a language barrier, we somehow communicated more clearly and more openly, than at times, I have been able to communicate with people in my own culture and language.

From this overwhelming feeling of love and oneness that I experienced came the inspiration to establish the Heart of Everything Foundation.

"There are always risks in freedom. The only risk in bondage is that of breaking free."
-- Gita Bellin

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“We must be the change
we wish to see in the world.”
--Mahatma Gandhi